“Loving yourself is a political act. We are taught not to love ourselves, and from that place we are easily manipulated...
Love yourself so much that this love changes the world.”

Rita Shimmin, UNtraining co-founder

UNtraining White Liberal Racism

We explore what it means to be white, bringing awareness to white conditioning and privilege that we did not choose as children, but that we can take responsibility for as adults.

NEW Phase 1 Groups Coming Fall 2024

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People of Color UNtraining

We explore how to communicate authentically and compassionately with each other about issues of race,  and how to heal the effects of trauma resulting from being the targets of racism.

Email pocgroup@untraining.org

Learn more 

Beyond Black and White: Being Chinese in America

We explore the interface of internalized racism and our own cultural conditioning with others of Chinese descent to bring healing for ourselves and others.

Special online event for Chinese group alumni
July 13: "Dutiful Children" Register here

To be informed when new groups are offered, sign up here

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Jewish and White in America

We will explore together the complexities of Jewish and white identities—target and privileged—with openness, intensity, and deep respect.

Learn more


Community-Led UNtraining Oral History Project Launches! 

mari and cliff, project producersHarnessing the power of story to celebrate the UNtraining’s community-based, radical self-exploration as a critical approach to achieving social justice. Check out the brief documentary on the UNtraining and its impact—this is a taste of the kinds of personal narratives this project will highlight. Mari Amend and Cliff Mayotte (left) are the producers. Watch video here

What Participants Say

What is unique and inspiring about the UNtraining is that we work from the inside out. We look at what's going on inside of us and how that translates into our actions.

The support and compassion that existed in the group, as modeled by the facilitators was amazing and freeing. I got an opportunity to begin a deeper journey into my relationship to white privilege and racism.

I learned to be more real and to experience and manage many different feelings and reactions simultaneously. I am much more able to stand in your shoes, whoever you are, because I learned to stand in my own.

It’s essential, personal work that has enabled me to facilitate conversations around racism and stereotyping with my students.

UNtraining in the Media: Articles, Blogs, Interviews

Social Justice  - What's in it for White Men?

Post on Good Men Project by UNtraining teacher Gregory Mengel, April 2019

"UNtraining Cultural Conditioning" - New Economy Now Podcast with Guests Ro Horton and Swan Keyes, Interviewed by Erin Axelrod, Dec 2022

In this episode, they discuss the far-reaching effects of cultural conditioning, white people's resistance to recognizing their racism, and the process of “UNtraining” racist programming. Ro and Swan share their personal transformation journeys, and what led them to this line of work -- and more.

From White Supremacism to Justice: The Role of Education in Moving "Good White People" from Denial to Responsibility

A research paper by Lisa Sandoval, UNtraining participant, and candidate for Master in Public Administration, Spring 2019

Going to the Root: How White Caucuses Contribute to Racial Justice

Article by UNtraining assistant Alex Vlasic in The Arrow, A Journal of Wakeful Society, Culture & Politics, July 2019

Why People of Color Need Spaces Without White People

Article by UNtraining participant Kelsey Blackwell, in The Arrow, A Journal of Wakeful Society, Culture & Politics, August 2018

UNtraining on "Talk It Out Radio"  KPFA 94.1 FM
Sun. Oct. 14, 2018 

Co-founder Robert Horton and senior teacher Kathleen Rice interviewed  by host Marlena Willis.


Making the Invisible Visible: Healing Racism in Our Buddhist Communities

Personal statement by UNtraining founder Robert (Ro) Horton. Their section starts on Page 9.  August 2000

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